Why Should You Become a Member of ACPM?

ACPM is the ‘go to’ organisation for clients, whether they are national or private, sponsors and beneciaries seeking excellence in construction projects by the inclusion in all construction projects of professional Construction Project Management Companies.

Sustainable Growth
ACPM is the voice that advances and promotes recognition of CPM expertise to increase and sustain profitability of the membership base for economic growth.

ACPM is an industry leader in the transformation of the industry towards a highly skilled, competent, efficient and inclusive Construction Project Management profession.
Become an ACPM Member
Click the button to start your journey as a registered ACPM member. It all begins here.
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From The President's Office
In pursuit of excellence
I am very excited to lead the ACPM team. I believe ACPM has a great business model and a talented committee and management team that uniquely position it to capitalize on the changing Project Management environment. As the industry evolves through restructuring, consolidation, and technology migrations, I believe ACPM is in a position to promote professionalism and adherence to standards expected of CPM professionals.
Our Value Proposition is centered on Excellence in project delivery through Industry Leadership
Purchase Industry Documents
JBCC agreements are now readily available on our electronic platform, eJBCC. This initiative allows members streamlined access to all JBCC contract documentation, accessible at their convenience. Click logo for access
All JBCC® documents have been approved by the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) and for use by national, provincial, and local authorities in South Africa.
Our Practice Areas
Honorary Membership
This is part of our proactive strategy to retain skills and provide mentorship as well as technical capacity needed in the industry.
Young Professionals
The skills pipeline, which is critical to the emergence of new entrants into the construction industry, faces a number of challenges. This membership for students, is part of growing the skills pipeline and industry exposure.
Full Membership
This is for a person whose core profession is project management, as a full member where such person has attained appropriate project management experience.
Associate Membership
This is for a person engaged in project management and who have attained an approved academic qualication and/or have attained appropriate project management experience.
Affiliate Membership
This is for a person who have the necessary professional skills and practice Project Management from time to time but not as their core business.
This membership is open for corporates bodies that are engaged in professional project management. These bodies may apply for corporate membership provided that at least 50% of the principals are full members and registered professionals.
The corporates can register as either Associates or Full Corporate Members.