Rules for the category “Full Member”

A Full Member must:

6.1.1 – Possess an Approved Educational Qualification Possess an Approved Educational Qualification. Exco will develop and maintain a schedule of Approved Educational Qualifications, which will be made available to prospective applicants.

The following are examples of Approved Educational Qualifications (provided same have been obtained from an Approved tertiary educational institution):

  • BSc (civil engineering)
  • BSc (construction management)
  • BSc (building science)
  • BSc (quantity surveying)
  • BSc (architecture) (6 year)
  • The equivalent B.Tech degrees
  • A 4 year technical degree applicable to the building construction industry but not in the above list (eg in town planning) plus an acceptable MSc in construction project management

Other qualifications that Exco deem to be equivalent to the above.

Approved Educational Qualifications may include foreign qualifications.

In approving educational qualifications, cognisance will be taken of accreditation of qualifications by the various other professional bodies and/or the Human Sciences Research Council. The ACPM does not intend to perform accreditation functions itself except where this is unavoidable.

Practical experience in lieu of Approved Educational Qualifications

Exco will give consideration to approving practical experience in lieu of an Approved Educational Qualification, provided that:

  • The practical experience has been combined with courses of tertiary education and training applicable to the construction industry; and
  • This alternative tertiary education and practical experience should have provided the applicant with equivalent technical knowledge to that which would have been obtained through an Approved Educational Qualification. As a guide, 8 years of appropriate practical experience covering both professional and construction duties could be regarded as the minimum.

6.1.2 – Have had at least 4 years practical experience in the field of Construction Project Management that is acceptable to Exco and which has enabled the applicant to have demonstrated his competence to achieve effective results. This experience must have been obtained after the requirements given in 6.1.1 above have been met. Exco will evaluate practical experience taking cognisance of the areas of Construction Project Management duties as set out in the recommended Scope of Services published by the ACPM. Applicants are required to submit details of their experience in the form of a portfolio in accordance therewith, together with applicable references; and

6.1.3 – Be currently engaged in the field of Construction Project Management as a core activity; and

6.1.4 – Have passed the requirements set by Exco for a professional interview of the applicant by an interview panel chosen by Exco, provided that this requirement has not been waived in terms of 6.3. The interview panel will comprise three Members who shall be members of Exco; and

6.1.5 – Be registered in terms of the Act as a Professional Construction Project Manager; and

6.1.6 – Have signed a declaration to abide by the Constitution, Rules and Code of Professional Conduct of the ACPM for the time being in force.

6.2 – ACPM’s Code of Professional Conduct requires inter alia that members undertake only work for which they are qualified and experienced. Members may have general or specialised experience. Specialised experience may be in any of the functions within the broad disciplines of Construction Project Management, such as time management, cost engineering, contract services, education, training, etc.

6.3 – The professional interview referred to in 6.1.4 may be waived at the discretion of Exco until the Professional examination for Construction Project Management as referred to in 6.4 has been finalised.

6.4 – It is intended that persons applying for the category Member on or after 31 December 2004 will be required to pass an examination in Construction Project Management, set either by ACPM or a body appointed by it or a body recognised by it.

Become a Full Member

Application Fee: R850.00, upon approval a Fixed Annual Membership Fee of: R1530.00 will be required (All Memberships Expire on 31st December and are Renewable Annually)

Click to start your registration process: Register