The ACPM is an accredited SACPCMP Voluntary Association ( V/007/2005), which operates as an independent body for individual and corporate members with expertise in Construction Project Management. Given the CPD activities that have to be undertaken as per policy requirements all ACPM activities are currently validated by the South Africa Council For Project and Construction Management Professions (SACPCMP) The CPD activities are not only undertaken to keep professionals abreast of industry developments and best practice but are also drafted to influence the policy direction of various statutory organizations. This is achieved through the development of technical papers our research partner University Of Johannesburg (UJ) and these are then submitted to the legislative bodies.
The objectives of the SACPCMP are therefore to provide guidance and frameworks within which the professionals within the construction management environment are to operate, and to ensure that effective guidance policies and frameworks on Continuing Professional Development (CPD) are established, implemented and consistently applied by the Council.
The SACPCMP is also empowered by section 13(k) of Act No. 48 of 2000 to determine, after consultation with the voluntary associations and registered professionals, the conditions relating to, and the nature and extent of CPD.
The rationale for the CPD Policy is to develop, enhance and maintain professional competency of registered professionals to ensure that the technical knowledge base is improved in an orderly fashion and on a continuous basis. The CPD Policy is also aimed at:
- Harmonising standards and norms in the management and development of the Project and Construction Management Professions;
- Ensuring improved skills competencies and industry performance;
- Constructively engaging professionals at all levels within the construction sector in
reconstruction and development initiatives, by addressing transformation in capacity development and to meet the growth needs of the South African economy;
- Encouraging a CPD culture amongst Registered Persons
- Addressing professional development limitations within the Project and Construction
- Management Professions;Ensuring national relevance (human resources development, skills development, poverty reduction etc.), international recognition, and professional integrity
The reporting cycle is over a period of five (5) financial year
Every Registered Person’s CPD cycle effectively starts from date of registration. A registered professional will be required to complete the CPD process within five (5) years from the inception of each CPD cycle.
The CPD cycle runs parallel to the Council’s financial year. The objective is to ensure that newly Registered professionals are not disadvantaged by the fixed cycle.
The cycle applicable to the newly Registered Persons runs from the beginning to the end of the financial year (1st April to the 31st March) as illustrated in the example in the table below