At EXCO we ratified that the Individual and Corporate annual membership fees be increased in line with the inflationary and escalation rates. This would also assist us in our day-to-day operational budgeting for the upkeep of the ACPM initiatives and strategies implementation per annum. In light of the above, please note the following:


At the 2022 AGM two proposals were presented to members with regard to annual fees for corporate membership

  1. Annual fees are paid in advance for those who wish to do so or at a monthly cost of R1000 over 12 Months
  2. Annual fees with a percentage increase amount

The table below illustrates the two scenarios A and B

In light of the above, EXCO is seeking that the Corporate Members join hands in being part of an effort for the upkeep of the ACPM initiatives and strategies implementation, the Corporate Members are requested to indicate and vote for either:

A = R1000.00 per month, which amounts to R12 000 annual

B = R5265.00

Please provide your input in line with the following survey.



Which Corporate are you representing?

1. Corporate Members are requested to indicate and vote for either of the following options.

2. Do you think that you are benefitting by being a Corporate Member of the ACPM?

Kindly assist in providing solutions and/or advising EXCO on other strategies to be adopted.